CMU 15-445/645 NOTES

Lecture #01: Course Introduction and the Relational Model Relational Model The relational model defines a database abstraction based on relations to avoid maintenance overhead. Key tenets: Store database in simple data structures(relations). Physical storage left up to the DBMS implementation. Access data through high-level language, DBMS figures out best execution strategy. n-ary Relation = Table with n columns Relational Algebra: JOIN Databases are ubiquitous. Lecture #02: Advanced SQL SQL is

Designing Data-Intensive Applications Notes

豆瓣🔗: 英文:Designing Data-Intensive Applications 中文:《数据密集型应用系统设计》 atomic In the context of concurrent operations: describing an operation that appears to take effect at a single point in time, so another concurrent process can never encounter the operation in a “hal