Lecture #01: Course Introduction and the Relational Model

Relational Model

The relational model defines a database abstraction based on relations to avoid maintenance overhead.

Key tenets:

  • Store database in simple data structures(relations).
  • Physical storage left up to the DBMS implementation.
  • Access data through high-level language, DBMS figures out best execution strategy.

n-ary Relation = Table with n columns

Relational Algebra: JOIN


Databases are ubiquitous.

Lecture #02: Advanced SQL

SQL is based on bags(duplicates) not sets(no duplicates).

Group By

Non-aggregated values in SELECT output clause must appear in GROUP BY clause.


为了快速学完直接看slides的,发现SQL部分还是有不懂的地方,居然想着得过且过😳,不会就跳过吧。幸好看了video,Easy has a cost. 不要偷懒,多重复几次总会搞懂的。








Homework 1: SQL


Lecture #03: Database Storage I

Sequential VS. Random Access

DBMS will want to maximize sequential access.

Allocating multiple pages at the same time is called an extent.

memory mapping(mmap)❌

The DBMS can use memory mapping(mmap) to store the contents of a file into the address space of a program.

Unfortunately, this means that if mmap hits a page fault, the process will be blocked.

What if we allow multiple threads to access the mmap files to hide page fault stalls?

This works good enough for read-only access. It is complicated when there are multiple writers…


  • madvise: Tell the OS how you expect to read centrain pages.
  • mlock: Tell the OS that memory ranges cannot be paged out.
  • msync: Tell the OS to flush memory ranges out to disk.

哈哈哈,slides中有“The OS is not your friend.”,这是DB调侃OS嘛😂。

File Storage

Three different notions of “pages” in a DBMS:

  • Hardware Page(usually 4kB)
  • OS Page(usually 4KB)
  • Database Page(512B-16KB) 发现Database Pages的大小差异好大。

Page Layout

1. Slotted-pages
  • Page maps slots to offsets.
  • Header keeps track of
    • the number of used slots
    • the offset of the starting location of the last used slot
    • a slot array: the location of the start of each tuple
  • To add a tuple
    • the slot array will grow from the beginning to the end
    • the data of the tuples will grow from end to the beginning
2. Log-structured
  • Only store log records
  • Fast writes, potentially slow reads(DBMS can have indexes to avoid long reads)
  • periodically compact the log——> the DBMS ends up with write amplification

Tuple Layout

Tuple Header: Contains meta-data about the tuple
Tuple Data: Actual data for attributes
Unique Identifier

Record IDS

Each tuple is assigned a unique record identifier.

  • most common: page_id+offset/slot
  • Can also contain file location info

An application cannot rely on these IDs to mean anything. 不太懂什么意思?

Lecture #04: Database Storage II

Data Representation

Lager vaues

DBMS uses separate overflow storage pages.

External vaule storage

external file treated as a BLOB type.

The DBMS cannot manipulate the contents of an external file.

  • No durability protections
  • No transaction protections

System catalogs

A DBMS stores meta-data about databases in its internal catalogs.

  • Tables, columns, indexes, views
  • Users, permissions
  • Internal statistics

Lecture #05: Storage Models & Compression

N-ary storage model


  • Fast inserts, updates, and deletes
  • Good for quries that need the entire tuple


  • Not good for scanning large portions of the table and/or a subset of the attributes

Decomposition storage model(DSM)

“column store”: stores the values of a single attribute for all tuples contiguously in a page.


  • Reduce the amount wasted I/O
  • Better query processing and data compression


  • Slow for point queries, inserts, updates, and deletes because of tuple splitting/stitching

Compression Granularity





Columnar Compression

Run-Length Encoding

  • RLE Triplet: (Value, Offset, Length)

Bit-Packing Encoding

  • look-up table

Bitmap Encoding

  • The ith position in the Bitmap <——> ith tuple in the table
  • Only practical if the value cardinality is low.

Delta Encoding

  • Recording the difference values that follow each other in the same column

Incremental Encoding

  • avoids duplicating common prefixes/suffixes between consecutive tuples
  • works best with sorted data

Dictionary Encoding

  • Build a data structure
  • maps variable-length values ——> a smaller integer identifier
  • Most widely used compression schema in DBMSs


OLTP=Row Store

  • Fast operations that only read/update a small amount of data each time

OLAP=Column Store

  • Complex queries that read a lot of data to compute aggregates

Project 0: C++ Primer

Project 1: Buffer Pool Manager

Homework 2: Storage & Indexes

Storage Models

Cuckoo Hashing

Extendible Hashing



Project 2: B+Tree Index

Homework 3: Query Execution