研一"软件工程与软件过程"课程书籍——SEPA(Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach)笔记。


CHAPTER 1: Software And Software Engineering


application domains

characteristics of software

framework activities

legacy software



software engineering

umbrella activities


1.1 The Nature Of Software

KEY POINT: Software is both a product and a vehicle that delivers a product.

1.1.1 Defining Software

Software is a logical rather than a physical system element.

  1. Software is developed or engineered; it is not manufactured in the classical sense.

  2. Software doesn’t “wear out”.

    KEY POINT: Software doesn’t wear out, but it does deteriorate.

  3. Although the industry is moving toward component-based construction, most software continues to be custom built.

1.1.2 Software Application Domains

seven broad categories of computer software:

System software

  • process complex, but determinate, information structures.

    e.g., compilers, editors, and file management utilities

  • process largely indeterminate data.

    e.g., operating system components, drivers, networking software, telecommunications processors

Software is determinate if the order and timing of inputs, processing, and outputs is predictable.

Software is indeterminate if the order and timing of inputs, processing and outputs cannot be predicted in advance.

Application software

e.g., point-of-sale transaction processing, real-time manufacutring process control.

Engineering/scientific software

Embedded software

Product-line software

Web applications(WebApps)

Artificial intelligence software

Vote: “You can’t always predict, but you can always prepare.”

1.1.3 Legacy Software

ADVICE: Every software engineer must recognize that change is natural. Don’t try to fight it.

1.2 The Unique Nature Of WebApps

The following attributes are encountered in the vast majority of WebApps.

Network intensiveness.


Unpredictable load.



Data driven.

Content sensitive.




1.3 Software Engineering


Understand the problem before you build a system.

Design is a pivotal software engineering activity.

Both quality and maintainability are an outgrowth of good design.

Definitions of software engineering:


Software Engineering: (1) The applications of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software. (2) The study of approaches as in (1).


Software engineering encompasses a process, methods for managing and engineering software and tools.

Software engineering is a layered technology.

1.4 The Software Process

A generic process framework for software engineering:






Umbrella activities are applied throughout a software project and help a software team manage and control progress, quality, change, and risk. Typical umbrealla activities include:

Software project tracking and control

Risk Management

Software quality assurance

Technical reviews


Software configuration management

Reusability management

Work product preparation and production

KEY POINT: Software process adaptation is essential for project success.

1.5 Software Engineering Practice

1.5.1 The Essence Of Practice

  1. Understand the problem (communication and analysis).
  2. Plan a solution (modeling and software design).
  3. Carry out the plan (code generation).
  4. Examine the result for accuracy (testing and quality assurance).

1.5.2 General Principles

The First Principle: The reason it all exists

A software system exists for one reason: to provide value to its users.

The Second Principle: KISS(Keep it simple, stupid!)

The Third Principle: Maintain the Vision

The Fourth Principle: What you produce, others will consume

The Fifth Principle: Be Open to the Future

The Sixth Principle: Plan Ahead for Reuse

The Seventh Principle: Think!

1.6 Software Myths

Management myths.

Customer myths.

Practitioner’s myths.

1.7 How it all starts

1.8 Summary



CHAPTER 2: Process Models


component-based development

concurrent models

evolutionary process models

formal methods model

generic process model

incremental process models

personal software process

prescriptive process models

process patterns

task set

team software process

Unified Process

2.1 A generic process Model

2.1.1 Defining a Framework Activity

2.1.2 Identifying a Task Set

Task Set

A task set defines the actual work to be done to accomplish the objectives of a software engineering action. For example, elicitation (more commonly called “requirements gathering”) is an important software engineering action that occurs during the communication activity. The goal of requirements gathering is to understand what various stakeholders want from the software that is to be built.

2.1.3 Process Patterns

“The repetition of patterns is quite a different thing than the repetition of parts. Indeed, the different parts will be unique because the patterns are the same.”

Patterns can be defined at any level of abstraction.

a template for describing a process pattern:

  • Pattern Name.

  • Forces.

  • Type.

  1. Stage pattern
  2. Task pattern
  3. Phase pattern
  • Initial context.
  • Problem.
  • Solution.
  • Resulting Context.
  • Related Patterns.
  • Known Uses and Examples.

2.2 Process Assessment and improvement

2.3 Prescriptive Process Models


Prescriptive process models define a prescribed set of process elements and a predictable process work flow.

2.3.1 The Waterfall Model

The waterfall model sometimes called the classic life cycle, suggests a systematic, sequential approach to software development that begins with customer specification of requirements and progresses through planning, modeling, construction, and deployment, culminating in ongoing support of the completed software.

Communication——Planning——Model —— Construction——Deployment

project initiation, requirements gathering——estimating, scheduling, tracking——analysis, design——code, test——delivery, support

A variation in the representation of the waterfall model is called the V-model. The V-model provides a way of visualizing how verification and validation actions are applied to earlier engineering work.

2.3.2 Incremental Process Models

The incremental model delivers a series of releases, called increments, that provide progressively more functionality for the customers as each increment is delivered.

2.3.3 Evolutionary Process Models

Evolutionary process models produce an increasingly more complete version of the software with each iteration.

Two common evolutionary process models:

  • Prototyping.

    Advice: When your customer has a legitimate need, but is clueless about the details, develop a prototype as a first step.

    Advice: Resist pressure to extend a rough prototype into a production product. Quality almost always suffers as a result.

  • The Spiral Model.

    KEY POINT: The spiral model can be adapted to apply throughout the entire life cycle of an application, from concept development to maintenance.

    Advice: If your management demands fixed-budget development (generally a bad idea), the spiral can be a problem. As each circuit is completed, project cost is revisited and revised.

2.3.4 Concurrent Models

Advice: The concurrent model is often more appropriate for product engineering projects where different engineering teams are involved.

2.3.5 A Final Word on Evolutionary Process

2.4 Specialized Process Models

CHAPTER 4: Agile Development

CHAPTER 8: Analysis Engineering