
第1章 服务架构演进史


1.1 原始分布式时代

调用远程方法 VS 调用本地方法


  • 远程的服务在哪里(服务发现)
  • 有多少个(负载均衡)
  • 网络出现分区、超时或者服务出错了怎么办(熔断、隔离、降级)
  • 方法的参数与返回结果如何表示(序列化协议)
  • 信息如何传输(传输协议)
  • 服务权限如何管理(认证、授权)
  • 如何保证通信安全(网络安全层)
  • 如何令调用不同机器的服务返回相同的结果(分布式数据一致性)


1.2 单体系统时代

单体架构:“巨石系统”(Monolithic Application)



分层架构(Layered Architecture)已是现在所有信息系统建设中普遍认可、采用的软件设计方法,无论是单体还是微服务,抑或是其他架构风格,都会对代码进行纵向层次划分,收到的外部请求在各层之间以不同形式的数据结构进行流转传递,触及最末端的数据库后按相反的顺序回馈响应。


从横向角度来看,单体架构也支持按照技术、功能、职责等维度,将软件拆分为各种模块,以便重用和管理代码。单体系统并不意味着只能有一个整体的程序封装形式,如果需要,它完全可以由多个JAR、WAR、DLL、Assembly或者其他模块格式来构成。即使是从横向扩展(Scale Horizontally)的角度来衡量,在负载均衡器之后同时部署若干个相同的单体系统副本,以达到分摊流量压力的效果,也是非常常见的需求。


1.3 SOA时代

1、烟囱式架构(Information Silo Architecture)

信息烟囱又名信息孤岛(Information Island),使用这种架构的系统也被称为孤岛式信息系统或者烟囱式信息系统。它指的是一种与其他相关信息系统完全没有互操作或者协调工作的设计模式。

2、微内核架构(Microkernel Architecture)

微内核架构也被称为插件式架构(Plug-in Architecture)。

将可能需要共享人员、组织、权限等一些公共的主数据,连同其他可能被各子系统用到的公共服务、数据、资源集中到一块,组成一个被所有业务系统共同依赖的核心(Kernel,也称为Core System),具体的业务系统以插件模块(Plug-in Module)的形式存在,这样可提供可扩展的、灵活的、天然隔离的功能特性。



3、事件驱动架构(Event-Driven Architecture)

为了能让子系统互相通信,一种可行的方案是在子系统之间建立一套事件队列管道(Event Queue),来自系统外部的消息将以事件的形式发送至管道中,各个子系统可以从管道里获取自己感兴趣、能够处理的事件消息,也可以为事件新增或者修改其中的附加信息,甚至可以自己发布一些新的事件到管道队列中去。如此,每一条消息的处理者都是独立的、高度解耦的,但又能与其他处理者(如果存在其他消息处理者的话)通过事件管道进行交互。

1.4 微服务时代

“微服务”:Micro-Web-Service,指的是一种专注于单一职责的、与语言无关的细粒度Web服务(Granular Web Service).

Microservices: a definition of this new architectural term


In short, the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.

Characteristics of a Microservice Architecture

  • Componentization via Services


    We define libraries as components that are linked into a program and called using in-memory function calls, while services are out-of-process components who communicate with a mechanism such as a web service request, or remote procedure call. (This is a different concept to that of a service object in many OO programs.)

    One main reason for using services as components (rather than libraries) is that services are independently deployable. If you have an application that consists of a multiple libraries in a single process, a change to any single component results in having to redeploy the entire application. But if that application is decomposed into multiple services, you can expect many single service changes to only require that service to be redeployed. That’s not an absolute, some changes will change service interfaces resulting in some coordination, but the aim of a good microservice architecture is to minimize these through cohesive service boundaries and evolution mechanisms in the service contracts.

  • Organized around Business Capabilities


    The microservice approach to division is different, splitting up into services organized around business capability. Such services take a broad-stack implementation of software for that business area, including user-interface, persistant storage, and any external collaborations. Consequently the teams are cross-functional, including the full range of skills required for the development: user-experience, database, and project management.

  • Products not Projects


  • Smart endpoints and dumb pipes

    强终端弱管道。弱管道(Dumb Pipe)几乎是直接反对SOAP和ESB的通信机制。ESB可以处理消息的编码加工、业务规则转换等;BPM可以集中编排企业业务服务;SOAP有几十个WS-*协议族在处理事务、一致性、认证授权等一系列工作,这些构建在通信管道上的功能也许对某个系统中的某一部分服务是有必要的,但对于另外更多的服务则是强加进来的负担。如果服务需要上面的额外通信能力,就应该在服务自己的Endpoint上解决,而不是在通信管道上一揽子处理。


    Microservice teams use the principles and protocols that the world wide web (and to a large extent, Unix) is built on. Often used resources can be cached with very little effort on the part of developers or operations folk.

    The second approach in common use is messaging over a lightweight message bus. The infrastructure chosen is typically dumb (dumb as in acts as a message router only) - simple implementations such as RabbitMQ or ZeroMQ don’t do much more than provide a reliable asynchronous fabric - the smarts still live in the end points that are producing and consuming messages; in the services.

    In a monolith, the components are executing in-process and communication between them is via either method invocation or function call. The biggest issue in changing a monolith into microservices lies in changing the communication pattern. A naive conversion from in-memory method calls to RPC leads to chatty communications which don’t perform well. Instead you need to replace the fine-grained communication with a coarser -grained approach.

  • Decentralized Governance


    Teams building microservices prefer a different approach to standards too. Rather than use a set of defined standards written down somewhere on paper they prefer the idea of producing useful tools that other developers can use to solve similar problems to the ones they are facing. These tools are usually harvested from implementations and shared with a wider group, sometimes, but not exclusively using an internal open source model. Now that git and github have become the de facto version control system of choice, open source practices are becoming more and more common in-house.

    //de facto(法)实际上的

    Netflix is a good example of an organisation that follows this philosophy. Sharing useful and, above all, battle-tested code as libraries encourages other developers to solve similar problems in similar ways yet leaves the door open to picking a different approach if required. Shared libraries tend to be focused on common problems of data storage, inter-process communication and as we discuss further below, infrastructure automation.

    Perhaps the apogee of decentralised governance is the build it / run it ethos popularised by Amazon. Teams are responsible for all aspects of the software they build including operating the software 24/7. Devolution of this level of responsibility is definitely not the norm but we do see more and more companies pushing responsibility to the development teams. Netflix is another organisation that has adopted this ethos. Being woken up at 3am every night by your pager is certainly a powerful incentive to focus on quality when writing your code. These ideas are about as far away from the traditional centralized governance model as it is possible to be.

  • Decentralized Data Management


  • Infrastructure Automation


  • Design for failure


    Since services can fail at any time, it’s important to be able to detect the failures quickly and, if possible, automatically restore service. Microservice applications put a lot of emphasis on real-time monitoring of the application, checking both architectural elements (how many requests per second is the database getting) and business relevant metrics (such as how many orders per minute are received). Semantic monitoring can provide an early warning system of something going wrong that triggers development teams to follow up and investigate.

  • Evolutionary Design


    Microservice practitioners, usually have come from an evolutionary design background and see service decomposition as a further tool to enable application developers to control changes in their application without slowing down change. Change control doesn’t necessarily mean change reduction - with the right attitudes and tools you can make frequent, fast, and well-controlled changes to software.

Microservices Guide


1.5 后微服务时代






Kubernetes与传统Spring Cloud提供的解决方案对比:

Kubernetes Spring Cloud
弹性伸缩 Autoscaling N/A
服务发现 KubeDNS/CoreDNS Spring Cloud Eureka
配置中心 ConfigMap/Secret Spring Cloud Config
服务网关 Ingress Controller Spring Cloud Zulu
负载均衡 Load Balancer Spring Cloud Ribbon
服务安全 RBAC API Spring Cloud Security
跟踪监控 Metrics API/Dashboard Spring Cloud Turbine
降级熔断 N/A Spring Cloud Hystrix

1.6 无微服务时代


  • 后端设施是指数据库、消息队列、日志、存储等这类用于支撑业务逻辑运行,但本身无业务含义的技术组件,这些后端设施都运行在云中,在无服务中将它们称为“后端即服务”(Backend as a Service,BaaS)。
  • 函数是指业务逻辑代码,这里函数的概念与粒度都已经很接近于程序编码角度的函数了,其区别是无服务中的函数运行在云端,不必考虑算力问题,也不必考虑容量规划(从技术角度可以不考虑,从计费的角度还是要掂量一下的),在无服务中将其称为“函数即服务”(Function as a Service,FaaS)。

无服务的愿景是让开发者只需要纯粹地关注业务:不需要考虑技术组件,后端的技术组件是现成的,可以直接取用,没有采购、版权和选型的烦恼;不需要考虑如何部署,部署过程完全托管到云端,由云端自动完成;不需要考虑算力,有整个数据中心支撑,算力可以认为是无限的;不需要操心运维,维护系统持续平稳运行是云计算服务商的责任而不再是开发者的责任。在UC Berkeley的论文中,把无服务架构下开发者不再关心这些技术层面的细节,类比成当年软件开发从汇编语言踏进高级语言的发展过程,开发者可以不去关注寄存器、信号、中断等与机器底层相关的细节,从而令生产力得到极大解放。


  • 不需要交互的离线大规模计算

  • 多数Web资讯类网站

  • 小程序

  • 公共API服务

  • 移动应用服务端等

