
A Philosophy of Software Design | John Ousterhout | Talks at Google

Jul 15

A Philosophy of Software Design | John Ousterhout | Talks at Google

John Ousterhout, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, discusses complex techniques on how to become a more confident coder. John is excited to announce that he just published the first edition of a new book on software design, based on material from a software design class he has been teaching at Stanford for the last several years.

Prior to joining Stanford, John spent 14 years in industry where he founded two companies, preceded by another 14 years as a professor at Berkeley. Over the course of his career, Professor Ousterhout has built a number of influential systems (Sprite OS, Tcl.Tk, log structured file systems, Raft, RAMcloud, etc) and has taught several courses on software design. In this talk, he synthesizes these experiences into an insightful and provocative discussion on how to (and how not to) design software.



We will invest in good design today because most of the code we develop today is going to be in the future. And so if we mess things up today, we are slowing ourselves down for the future.


Aug 11

关于Raft的可视化网页:Raft: Understandable Distributed Consensus

Project Code Rush - The Beginnings of Netscape / Mozilla Documentary

Oct 15

Project Code Rush - The Beginnings of Netscape / Mozilla Documentary

There’s no stability in here. So the very kind of weird irony is that very people who are inventing the future can’t see their own future.



John Carmack Receives Honorary Degree

John Carmack Receives Honorary Degree

Oct 16


晚上休息看了John Carmack的这个视频,本来想浅浅记录下一些句子,没想到自己跟着视频一个字符一个单词地敲了这么多。很多话真的是莫大的鼓励,就在想,很多东西到底需要重复多少遍才可以轻而易举呢?

So almost everything that we work with has really great depths to explore. Now you can’t know everything, but you should look at this as you can know anything, anything that you turn your attention to, you choose to focus on, you can understand nothing is magic and you can tear things apart if you need to find the details.

Now knowing all the details can have some consequences because sometimes the details are really ugly or even frightening to think about and this can lead to people thinking: no, things aren’t awesome, they’re actually horrible if you look at it.

I take the more optimistic view that this means that’s tons of opportunities, especially with the exponential growth of Moore’s law slowing down. Being able to dig deep into our systems and find efficiencies there is one of the ways that we can continue delivering significant value.


Now to really understand the details you have to understand history. Many times things are the way they are for important and valid historical reasons but sometimes things are the way they are because we didn’t know any better or because we didn’t have time to actually make something good.



Whatever path you’re on, I advocate for long, hard work. You hear a lot about work-life balance, working smarter not harder and that’s all fine but there’s a quality to obsession that’s really hard to match any other way.

Sometimes important insights come only from a total immersion in a problem or fileld and even when the work is mundane there’s value that you can extract from that.

Mastery comes from practice.

I urge you to embrace the grind.Pay attention to the details, fill your products would give a damn. You’re building the future.